We help founders to validate their ideas and launch products as a co-founder.
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We'll work on validating the problem, assessing market potential, and find the best way to execute your idea. Our in-house team of designers, developers, and marketers will help to build and growth your product.
At this stage, you need to define the value offer, find the actual problem that your startup is solving. You have to launch MVP, get first customers and sales.
You have test the key hypothesis that your business model can be profitable and the unit economics remains positive at scale. To do this, you need to improve your product, set up your customer acquisition channels.
Web3 decentralized payment infrastructure that allows to accept one-time payments, integrate subscriptions, and make mass payouts.
Launched MVP in 2 month
Tested 10 big product hypotheses
Tested 6 marketing channel hypotheses
Raised on pre-seed $250k with $6m valuation
SEO tool for improving efficiency and amplifying digital footprint for agencies, marketing teams and SEO specialists. Allows customers to find businesses in their native language in search engine.
Built marketing funnel: - 1000+ B2B leads - 300+ Sales Qualified Leads - 30+ B2B international clients
Proved problem/solution fit with $5k MRR
Partnerships: - Microsoft - TECOM group - Dubai Holding